Ginny Payne, Shareholder
Ginny Payne Administration Manager moved to Huntsville in 1995 and since that time has never looked back. Long before moving to Huntsville she was engaged in numerous administrative and accounting positions in Cambridge, Ontario where she was born and spent her earlier years. In these positions she learned all aspects of accounting and administrative functions necessary to manage an office and run a successful business.
Prior to joining Pipefusion (NyDock) in 2008 Ginny was the office manager of a major trucking company in Muskoka for twelve years where she managed all accounting and administrative functions at the firm during her tenure at the company. Ginny adapted quickly to the outdoor life in Huntsville, lives on the water and of course has her very own NyDock! Like all of us at Pipefusion (NyDock) Ginny has a sincere passion for the water, fishing, camping and the outdoors; not to mention animals, cooking, socializing and spending time with friends and family on the lakes in her spare time.
Ginny is a pleasure to work with and we are fortunate to have such an efficient and talented member on our team ensuring that all aspects of our business run smoothly in all areas; whether that be accounting, payroll, government reporting, accounts payable, receivable or inventory management and numerous other responsibilities necessary to ensure all areas of our business run smoothly and effectively.