Temagami, Ontario

The Municipality conducted a thorough review of proposals for the installation and maintenance of floating docks and breakwalls. After careful evaluation, Pipefusion Services Inc. was selected for their product’s durability, warranty, and flexibility. Their solution stood out due to its ability to withstand year-round use without affecting the warranty, and the potential for significant cost savings in the project.


Project Goals

  • Durability and Warranty: Ensure the floating docks and breakwalls meet high standards for long-term performance, with minimal maintenance required over time.
  • Winter-Season Preparation: Address the need for docks and ramps to be removable or adjustable for winter, particularly on Snake, Rabbit, and Cassells Lakes where water levels fluctuate.
  • Cost Savings: Explore options for reducing overall project costs, particularly concerning breakwall installation.

Our Process

  1. Proposal Evaluation: All received proposals were reviewed based on product quality, warranty terms, and the ability to address seasonal challenges, especially fluctuating water levels in winter.
  2. Vendor Selection: Pipefusion Services Inc. was selected based on their product’s ability to remain in place year-round without voiding the warranty, except for specific lakes where only ramps need to be adjusted.
  3. Breakwall Discussion: Pipefusion was open to exploring a floating steel breakwall option, which could significantly reduce ongoing maintenance costs, offering a potential savings of $20,000 to $30,000 compared to other proposed options.
  4. Reference Checks: References confirmed the high quality and durability of the products, ensuring confidence in the product’s longevity.

Success Story

By selecting Pipefusion Services Inc., the Municipality is set to benefit from a durable, low-maintenance solution for its floating docks. The lifetime warranty on flotation guarantees long-term peace of mind. The collaborative approach, including openness to alternative solutions, aligns with the Municipality’s budgetary goals and operational needs.


Why settle on good enough?
Let’s build the perfect dock for your space.


Contact us

1029 Aspdin Road, RR#1
Huntsville, ON P1H 2J2

Phone: (705) 789-9411
Fax: (705) 788-3237


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